Custom Headers in WordPress Themes

Add Custom Header Support to your WordPress Themes To enable Custom Headers in your wordpress themes, add the following to your functions.php file: When enabling Custom Headers, you can configure several other options by passing along arguments to the add_theme_support() function. You can pass specific configuration options to the add_theme_support function using an array: In the above case, the default array values are assigned to a variable called $defaults. Set a custom header image When the user first installs your theme,...

Design Basic WordPress Themes Header

By default, the WordPress header is a simple piece of code. You do not have to get into the code to change the header that comes with whatever WordPress Theme you choose. You set the blog or website title and description in the Administration > Settings > General panel, and WordPress does the rest. In its simplest form, the WordPress Classic Theme features the header code like this in the wp-content/themes/classic/header.php template file: The header is set in an...